Friday, 13 February 2009

Damages Is Back!

Damages returns to British screens on the 15th of February at 10.20pm. The second season has been on air in the U.S for almost eight weeks. I for one can not wait to see who Patty will go after next. While her assistant Ellen collaborates with the FBI to finally destroy and bring down Patty.
Season One was edge of your seat stuff. Lets hope Season Two can deliver.


Chen Xi-Li said...

wow this is gret news Bev. I hav not sen seasan one but i wil watcj on Sunday. Hoo is the man in the pickture? oh Biv you make smal missteak at the end. Wat is it they deliver. Lik pizza may bee? evry fing else is god no spelin missteak this time so i give you a B+

Chen Xi

Beverly said...

Chen Xi
Step away from the pills! Aww you gave me a b+, Next time you grade one of my posts, Im ordering Panda Chow Mein. The man in the picture is not a man but is a woman called Glenn Close.


Chen Xi-Li said...

...Um Bev

I hat to sey this but you mad anothor missteak. Is a man. See he hav man nam he call Glenn. Glenn = man. Is ok Biv no sham in makin missteak. I now you tri yor best. Jus let me now if you ned help O.K?

Kathryn_janeway said...

The original post - excellent news! Will be ready the viewscreen to intercept the transmission. However the comments are off the rails. Who on Earth grades a post for spelling mistakes? Thank God you haven's been to my blog, you'd have a heart attack!