Well well well. What can you say about Adama recently. My house maid Svetlana has always insisted Adama was up there with the other great Sci-Fi characters. How ever during season four of BSG he has fallen big time. Gator's mutiny was insane! just how did he let a one legged dipshit take his ship?
Allow me to translate this for you. Did Janeway ever lose control of Voyager to Harry Kim? No. Did Sisko ever lose control of the Defiant or DS9 to Nog? No. Did Picard ever lose control of the Enterprise to Wesley Crusher? uh...OK don't answer the last one (Picard you dipshit). My point being things like this don't happen to the best.
A man in Adama's position should also have a partner. The writers are in an ideal position to assign him a Cylon woman that he can plug in an recharge when he needs her(As my friend Patty would say "classic pump an dump"). But they opted for a real woman. This made things hard on themselves, lets face it,what real woman in their right mind wants to shag a man with more wrinkles than Grandpa Simpson? Well let me tell you, they had to drug Laura Roslin to the eyeballs to get her to sleep with Adama and she is no spring chicken herself. So Adama is shagging a bald headed, drugged up, tits to her knee's, very old, sad and lonely Laura Roslin. I mean how low can you go?
Also I was not convinced that Adama struggled with the decision to allow Cylon technology on to his ship.
The Chief waved his purple light around an said
"Hey Adama if you allow Cylon technology not only can you have this purple light ill chuck in a disco ball for free" that was it SOLD!
I mean really would Janeway have turned down 29th century technology? No. Would Sisko have turned down being a religious icon on Bajor? No. Would Picard turn down a chance to become an admiral an run Starfleet Academy? n.....OK don't answer that last one. My point being the best just don't get desperate.
Adama has one saving grace. He had the balls to execute the two people that got in his way. Adama needs to pick himself up. Dump Roslin an date Starbuck/Danielle or what ever the future twist is on her.Trade Galactica for a base ship. Lets face it Galactica has had its day to many purple lights draining its power reserves.
My friend Patty leaves us with a final thought of this post:
"Maybe Adama set it up. He manipulated Gator an Tom into taking over the ship so he could execute them later an get two very annoying people out of the way"
Thanks Patty. I am now physically rolling around on my lounge floor trying to laugh an do helicopter impressions. Svetlana is getting me my pills. Bless she thinks I'm having an attack.
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49 minutes ago
Adama has lost it. But for me He can still bounce back. Adama in a pink thong! omg! hold that thought! ok i have to go do something Naughty! Great Post Bev. Be back later.
I just vomited. The words Adama an Thong are not legally permitted to be used together on this site. ;-)
Love BSG but have to admit this latest batch of episodes are really scrapping the barrel - which probably has a huge hole in it and is in urgent need or repair. Hey i got Cylon Juice lets use that!!!
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