Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Moving Wallpaper- ITV (U.K)

So this is it, judgement day, the network executives have spoken, Echo Beach is no more. What will Jonathan Pope, the programme’s irrepressible producer and his team do next?

ITV1 is proud to announce the brand new series of Moving Wallpaper, from the makers of Life On Mars, Spooks and Hustle.

Ben Miler (Armstrong And Miller, Primeval, The Worst Week) reprises his role as hapless producer Jonathan Pope and is joined once again by Raquel Cassidy (Party Animals, Lead Balloon), James Lance (Teachers, Sensitive Skin), Sarah Hadland (Learners, Peep Show), Elizabeth Berrington (The Dinner Party, The Office), Lucy Liemann (The IT Crowd), Dave Lamb (The Smoking Room) and Sinead Keenan (Trouble With Sex).

Moving Wallpaper picks up where the last series ended – Jonathan and his team await their fate at the hands of the merciless Head of Continuing Drama at ITV1, Nancy Weeks (Raquel Cassidy).

Despite the end of Echo Beach, a clause in Jonathan’s contract means ITV must now offer Jonathan a pilot to produce – much to Nancy’s annoyance. ITV’s audience must brace themselves for Jonathan’s new project: Renaissance, a terrifying one off drama starring Kelly Brook (Marple: The Moving Finger, School for Seduction, Smallville) and Alan Dale (Ugly Betty, The OC, 24).

Will Jonathan’s complete lack of subtlety or tact but occasional genius be enough to make it work? And more importantly will the world be ready for another Jonathan Pope production?

Tony Jordan, lead writer and story consultant for EastEnders, co-creator of Life On Mars and creator of Hustle executive produces both shows with Kudos’s Jane Featherstone and Alison Jackson. Howard Burch produces.

Moving Wallpaper will be 6 x 30 minute episodes that will play out on ITV1 and is produced by Kudos in Association with Red Planet Pictures.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Damages- Burn It, Shred It, I Don't Care.

Creepy Wes opens this episode with "Ellen, people like you an me only have two options forgiveness and revenge".

Cut to Six months later an Ellen fires two bullets into who ever it is she is talking too. Question one of the season so far, Who did Ellen shoot? The list of suspects ranges from no one all the way to Hollis Nye the Defense attorney who talked her into working with the FBI. If in fact they are the FBI. Svetlana thinks its her counselor the one who looks like a Klingon but I doubt that very much.

Patty meanwhile is at Daniel Purcell's side helping him after his wife's murder. Personally I don't trust him as far as I could throw him and he is one heavy dude so that wont be far. The look on Ellen's face when Patty hands over the Infant mortality case to Tom is class.

Purcell then tells Patty the files he sent her was a mistake on his part. My take on this is that Daniel needs Patty for one thing only and that's to beat the murder rap, something is not quite right here, sending files that could bring down an industry to the biggest most ruthless lawyer in New York. He is stringing Patty along, so what is his hidden agenda? and lets face it, you would have to be one super smart cookie to out do Patty Hewes. How many episodes before she is two steps ahead of him? my guess not many.

The FBI decide that they might be able flip Tom into helping them bring down Patty. Flip as in set him up for a fall then offer to drop the charges in exchange for his help. So the case that was meant to get Patty becomes the case to get Tom on side.

Scene of the season so far inc....
Tom is sat in Patty's office with Patty. Enter Ellen.

Ellen: You said you wanted to see me?

Tom picks up a brown envelope from Patty's desk and hands it to her.

Ellen: What is this?
Patty: Its a photograph....(pause for effect)...turns out someone we know has been keeping a secret!

The worry on Ellen's face is brilliant. I actually shifted closer to the TV at this point very tense. Ellen opens the envelope as she does so, the camera flicks between her an Patty. For me it was a oh my god moment. Turns out Tom's wife is having a baby. How I laughed with the actors in that scene it was so awesomely played.

We are then introduced to Wayne Sultry and Claire Maddox. Wayne needs Claire's help to retrieve the files Patty has in her office. Claire Maddox is the lawyer that will go up against Patty this season.

We then discover that Creepy Wes really is a creep. He opens his locked cabinet in his apartment to reveal a stash of guns an ammo and lets not forget all the newspaper clippings of the Frobisher case, and even a news clipping of David who died way back in Season One. So how long has he been following Ellen?

Then we find out the gun that Ellen was shooting was provided by Tom. It could be an important scene, it lasts less than twenty seconds an time jumps straight back to current day after its happened. Its over very quick, almost seems random but I thought it was important enough to mention.

In this episode we find out Patty bugs her own offices. I mean how cool is that! This is how Patty learns of the pay off between Tom and the FBI set up. Patty calls Tom and stops him from making the pay off. Saving him just in time. The FBI are now suspicious of how Patty knew to drop the case.

First Blood to Maddox in the Hewes V Maddox season long fight. Claire brilliantly gets a court order to seize the files Patty has at her office. The Judge she chooses to go to who signs the order, with out any questions what so ever, even demands she give him the pen an signs with out reading it. Clearly someone Patty destroyed or humiliated earlier in her career. Unwittingly though Claire just fell right into Patty's trap. So were all square for now. The Police show up at Patty's office with the Order, Patty looks and says "Claire Maddox" Now Patty has someone to go after.

How many offices does Ellen have? Something there for you all to keep a look out for.

Patty visits a very angry Purcell as he screams at her: "You screwed me Patty! Earl Jakobi works for the Oil industry, he is in the pockets of the energy companies."
This is of course what Patty had known all along. She knew he would leak the information. And in doing so would expose the people trying to keep Purcell quite by murdering his wife. It turns out those people are Ultima National Resources where Claire Maddox is Head Counsel.

Quote of the week: Patty to Ellen. "Oh you have to be careful Ellen everyone is trying to play an angle" Over Ellen bringing in the now dropped Infant Mortality case.

The final scene is in a car at night and its Purcell an Claire Maddox! She asks: "Did you tell anyone about us?"
"no" He replies.

It ends there. Damages will be back this Sunday BBC 1 10.20pm.

Damages on itunes

The link Harry provided us.

We're promoting Damages in the UK so just thought you'd like to know that if you've missed an episode you can download it now from iTunes.

Episode 1 and 2 are available now and you can download subsequent episodes the day after they broadcast on BBC One, Sundays at 10:20pm.

Also episode 2 review will be up later this evening.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

And the Oscar goes too?

Hi my name is Svetlana an I like Green because i want to be like the borg queen. But moving onto the winners.....

Predicter league table
Svetlana ..10
FakeList ..9

Actor in a Leading Role Sean Penn
Actor in a Supporting Role Heath Ledger
Actress in a Leading Role Kate Winslet
Actress in a Supporting Role Penelope Cruz
Animated Feature Film Wall-E
Art Direction The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Cinematography Slumdog
Costume Design The Duchess
Directing Slumdog
Documentary Feature Man on Wire
Documentary Short Smile Pinki
Film Editing Slumdog
Foreign Language Film Departures
Makeup The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Music (Score) Slumdog
Music (Song) Slumdog
Best Picture Slumdog
Short Film (Animated) La Maison en Petits Cubes
Short Film (Live Action) Spielzeugland
Sound Editing Dark Knight
Sound Mixing Slumdog
Visual Effects The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Writing (Adapted Screenplay) Slumdog
Writing (Original Screenplay) Milk

Svetlana live from LA!

Yes thats right, Svetlana my house maid (pictured on the left) wearing a Green 1970's Oxfam top for the ocassion, will blog for us live from LA. I have sent Svetlana to her room under the stairs so she can watch the Oscars live from LA on her black an white TV and keep us all up to date with the winners through the night.

Omg! "fake" Oscar leak!

Its abit hard to see but you can just make out whats said. Link to better copy inc. Svetlana has run down the betting shop to bet her wages on this lot, I hid the "fake" bit when I showed her.

For an easier view:(

Damages Season 2 Episode 2

Damages episode 2: Burn it, shred it, I don't care.

Don't forget tonights episode of Damages on BBC 1.
Patty begins to suspect there's more to Daniel Purcell's case than simple murder. Meanwhile, Ellen secretly assists the FBI in their attempt to flip Tom Shayes and use him against Patty.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Anyone seen a Very Very OLD lady?

Hey all. A couple of weeks ago I left my dear old mum at the above pictured bus stop...don't you dare tut at me! the limo was full! OK? and I have not seen her since. I only noticed because my kitchen is over flowing with unopened bottles of Bolly. If you find her just call the police, I don't advise going near her as she is savage most of the time. She is like a Rottweiler an will bite. Only difference being I can't get the vet to put her down.

No make up? or was she hit?

Well no surprises that the LA PD leaked the Rihanna photo to the press. Take a look To me it just looks like she forgot to apply her make-up. The LA PD have launched an internal investigation and I should think so too. Will they find the source of who leaked the photo to the press? I doubt it.

The LA PD, famous for its corrupt handling of the Rodney King case in the early 90's an causing riots so big that the US Army, the Marines and the National Guard had to come in to restore order. There were 53 deaths, 2,383 injuries, more than 7,000 fires, damage to 3,100 businesses, and nearly $1 billion in financial losses. My Auntie got a free microwave, wide screen TV an fridge freezer from those riots so it wasn't all bad.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Has Adama lost it?

Well well well. What can you say about Adama recently. My house maid Svetlana has always insisted Adama was up there with the other great Sci-Fi characters. How ever during season four of BSG he has fallen big time. Gator's mutiny was insane! just how did he let a one legged dipshit take his ship?

Allow me to translate this for you. Did Janeway ever lose control of Voyager to Harry Kim? No. Did Sisko ever lose control of the Defiant or DS9 to Nog? No. Did Picard ever lose control of the Enterprise to Wesley Crusher? uh...OK don't answer the last one (Picard you dipshit). My point being things like this don't happen to the best.

A man in Adama's position should also have a partner. The writers are in an ideal position to assign him a Cylon woman that he can plug in an recharge when he needs her(As my friend Patty would say "classic pump an dump"). But they opted for a real woman. This made things hard on themselves, lets face it,what real woman in their right mind wants to shag a man with more wrinkles than Grandpa Simpson? Well let me tell you, they had to drug Laura Roslin to the eyeballs to get her to sleep with Adama and she is no spring chicken herself. So Adama is shagging a bald headed, drugged up, tits to her knee's, very old, sad and lonely Laura Roslin. I mean how low can you go?

Also I was not convinced that Adama struggled with the decision to allow Cylon technology on to his ship.

The Chief waved his purple light around an said
"Hey Adama if you allow Cylon technology not only can you have this purple light ill chuck in a disco ball for free" that was it SOLD!

I mean really would Janeway have turned down 29th century technology? No. Would Sisko have turned down being a religious icon on Bajor? No. Would Picard turn down a chance to become an admiral an run Starfleet Academy? n.....OK don't answer that last one. My point being the best just don't get desperate.

Adama has one saving grace. He had the balls to execute the two people that got in his way. Adama needs to pick himself up. Dump Roslin an date Starbuck/Danielle or what ever the future twist is on her.Trade Galactica for a base ship. Lets face it Galactica has had its day to many purple lights draining its power reserves.
My friend Patty leaves us with a final thought of this post:

"Maybe Adama set it up. He manipulated Gator an Tom into taking over the ship so he could execute them later an get two very annoying people out of the way"

Thanks Patty. I am now physically rolling around on my lounge floor trying to laugh an do helicopter impressions. Svetlana is getting me my pills. Bless she thinks I'm having an attack.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Damages - I lied too. Episode 1

Yes are favourite lawyer Patty Hewes is back! Just how will she handle herself now that Ellen is teaming up with the FBI to bring her down. The scheming litigator is launching her charity an pretending to make nice with the world. Leaving you wondering what the hell happened? Surely Patty didn't get a conscience. Don't worry she didn't.

The episode opens with Ellen holding a mysterious person at gun point. Couldn't help but notice it looked like she was drinking a urine sample in this scene. While Patty is on TV with Regis an Bimbo promoting her charity work with Sam Arsenault. We find out that Ellen is in grief counselling with a grief counselor who looks like a Klingon. There is no way on gods green earth that thing is human. Patty is having Ellen followed. So lunch meetings in broad daylight with the feds is probably not the best idea. You really couldn't make it anymore obvious, why not just ask Ellen to wear a FBI coat to work! The scene is wonderful as Patty has a sly smile when she instructs Pete to keep watching Ellen.

"I'm concerned about her well being" hell she is.

Then comes the news that Sam Arsenault is withdrawing his money from her charity. Angry, Patty goes to see Sam Arsenault to ask why. While he is feeding her some bullsh*t story about his past, you can see Patty is already looking round the office for something to destroy....Enter Lily his daughter. The laughter in Patty's eyes tells you that little girl is going down! Again the scene is wonderful.

Sam: "Lily has earned herself a spot at Yale"
Patty: "oh that's quite an accomplishment"

You have to watch the episode a second time to get the sarcasm on the last comment. One of the things about Patty, is if you don't know her well enough you can miss stuff like that.
Patty is having nightmares this episode, I suspect its about the rising price of bread an milk or what ever it is she dreams about. We also see an appearance from Ray Fisk this episode as well, which even though was a bit over the top it was still quite funny to watch.

Meanwhile Daniel Purcell an old friend/lover/foe of Patty's from the past has a break in on his hands. The old man runs down the stairs with a poker! I mean a poker! what the f*ck were they thinking, who in America does not have a gun? One person Daniel Purcell. No wonder Patty dumped him. What a dumb ass. Purcell will be Patty's new case this season boy has she got her work cut out for her.

Sam Arsenault phones Patty to beg to get back in on the project as his daughter has been busted with a load of coke and the newspaper Patty is reading has a great headline. Obviously the whole set up is Patty at her best.

Ellen an Frobisher's paths clash again this time at the hospital where he is being kept. Ellen has to take the identity of his wife just to get in the same room as the sleeping Frobisher. The scene lasts ages an nothing seems to happen. My house maid Svetlana thinks she was tossing him off but they couldn't show it for obvious reasons.

That Klingon counselor is in this episode three times. That's three scenes to many in my opinion. Poor Ellen like its not enough she is trying to prove Frobisher killed David and bring Patty down she now has a stalker called Wes "It was only fifteen blocks" who says that a lot. Clearly never heard of taking a cab then.

At the end of the episode Patty takes the case the FBI set up to bring her down. However she may not follow through on it as Daniel Purcell's wife has been murdered. Also Ellen shoots the mysterious person she has at gun point. So the fun has only just begun! stay tuned for more Damages next Sunday.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Damages Is Back!

Damages returns to British screens on the 15th of February at 10.20pm. The second season has been on air in the U.S for almost eight weeks. I for one can not wait to see who Patty will go after next. While her assistant Ellen collaborates with the FBI to finally destroy and bring down Patty.
Season One was edge of your seat stuff. Lets hope Season Two can deliver.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Miley Cyrus V Attention Seeking Whore

Seriously Miley Cyrus made a mistake, she pulled a face slanting her eyes. A member of the L.A Asian community took offense and filed a $400 billion law suit against Cyrus for offending one million Asian citizens. Miley is 16 years old and I don't believe for a second she meant any malice in what she did, other than making a face an posing for a photo.

So what must the Asian community be feeling right now? Oh no Miley pulled a face I can't leave my house! I am entitled to $4000 damages for the emotional pain she has caused me. If you believe that then you really are f*ck*ng stupid.

So were left with a Plaintiff seeking 15 minutes of fame off the back of a 16 year old girl. Shame on you! I hope your case gets thrown out of court.

First Post.

Well I would like to start by doing my Oscar Predictions for 2009.

Actor in a Leading Role: Going with "Fat" Frank on this one
Actor in a Supporting Role: Downey Jr
Actress in a Leading Role: Anyone but that baby adopting scum bag.
Actress in a Supporting Role: If Cruz loses this, she was robbed.
Animated Feature Film: Kung fu panda. I actually thought that was a new Chinese dish.
Art Direction: When was the last time you said "omg it won an Oscar for Art Direction"
Cinematography: Slumdog will win something just not sure what.
Costume Design:Anyone but Australia. Nicole is cursed since she did those crap perfume ads.
Directing: um difficult gonna go with Frost/Nixon but anyone could take it.
Documentary Feature: Got to be honest, I don't give a rat's ass. O.K.
Documentary Short: See above.
Film Editing: Frost/Nixon
Foreign Language Film: Doesn't matter no one is gonna watch it.
Makeup: Are you serious? "Oh sweetie darling, Oscar winning really"
Music (Score): Defiance. Simply because I like the name.
Music (Song): This is where Slumdog may pick up an Oscar.
Best Picture: Have not said Milk or The Reader yet but not ruling out BB either.
Short Film (Animated): No one cares. This is where everyone gets to go make drinks an food.
Short Film (Live Action): See Above.
Sound Editing: Wanted or The Dark Knight
Sound Mixing: See Above.
Visual Effects: Iron Man.
Writing (Adapted Screenplay): Slumdog is my heavy fav for this one.
Writing (Original Screenplay): Milk.