Saturday, 7 March 2009

BSG- Islanded in a Stream of Stars

Laura was upgraded from dead to alive by the start of this episode (I guess she decided against asking for a pay rise ). Don't let Adama paint your walls putting it nicely he is crap at it. Galactica would break in half if a Taliban Rebel fired 2 rounds from a staple gun, its that bad now. 2 episodes left to try and pull the series over the finish line not even going at crawling pace anymore.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Damages Season 2 Episode 3

Damages episode 3 on BBC 1 tonight. Some regions are showing Damages at a slightly earlier time than usual 9pm as advertised by BBC's website. Most of us will be watching at 10.20pm though, so be sure to check your local listings. Can't wait.

Heroes needs help!

Well it needs something. It needs the 4400 writing team to save it. I watch it now for one character alone, just to see what they do with her. Angela Petrelli.

No one really knows what Angela is up to or what her agenda is. She had been the mother, who would stop at nothing to get her son the political power she desired for him. Lately though after shunning Nathan and his special hunt team, its hard to guess what Angela has planned. Petrelli does not break sweat for anyone even when confronted by Sylar, her calm icy exterior stayed intact.

The big question that keeps me watching in the hope we find out: Angela Petrelli, Hero or Villain?

BSG- Someone To Watch Over Me!

Boomer escapes and takes Hera from Galactica. Laura Roslin Dies. Rest was crap.